from the MoHS Accreditation Report, 2011-2012
Moanalua High School is a comprehensive four-year high
school servicing grades 9-12 in the Hawaii Department of Education’s Central
District. Moanalua’s Complex feeder schools
include Moanalua Middle, Moanalua Elementary, Red Hill Elementary, Fort Shafter
Elementary, and Salt Lake Elementary.
Together, the six schools service about 6,000 students.
The high school, situated on the rim of Salt Lake Crater
overlooking Moanalua Gardens, was established in 1972 and graduated its first
class in 1975. It is on a campus of 30
acres with facilities that include 80 classrooms, a cafeteria, a gymnasium, and
a stadium. The whole school underwent
ADA barrier free renovation in the late nineties to accommodate students with
physical challenges, so that all buildings and support facilities like the
stadium could be accessed by these students.
School Motto: “Kulia I ka nu’u”
(Strive for Excellence)
Vision: Moanalua High School is a learning community where, in the spirit of
the Menehune, everyone works in partnership to strive for excellence.
A graduate of
Moanalua High School will be able to:
proficiency in academic
critically and creatively in problem-solving situations
positive intrapersonal and interpersonal skills
School/State General Learner Outcomes
Independent and Responsible Learners
Skilled Collaborators and Team Players
Complex Thinkers and Problem Solvers
Producers of Quality Products and Performances
Effective Communicators
Effective and Ethical Users of Technology
Moanalua High School receives tremendous leadership and support from various community, parent, alumni parent, and business partnerships including the following:
Moanalua High School receives tremendous leadership and support from various community, parent, alumni parent, and business partnerships including the following:
School Community Council (SCC)
Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) including Project Graduation
Alumni Foundation
Athletic Boosters Association
MoHS Music Boosters Association
of Hawaii Masters in Education for Teaching Program (MET)
Ventures Educational Forum (JVEF)
School Community Council (SCC)
There are 12 members on the Council: the Principal; four faculty members; one member of the classified staff; two students; two parents of enrolled students; and, two community members. With the exception of the Principal, all other members are elected or chosen by their constituent groups.
The Moanalua High School Community Council group has
consistently demonstrated its desire and willingness to work towards school
improvement. The extensive years of
experience of SCC members in the area of site based school management is a
strength of the council. All role
groups are actively involved in group discussions, such as providing input into
and giving approval to the school’s annual Academic and Financial Plan, and
evaluation of the school principal. There are 12 members on the Council: the Principal; four faculty members; one member of the classified staff; two students; two parents of enrolled students; and, two community members. With the exception of the Principal, all other members are elected or chosen by their constituent groups.
The school’s Parent-Teacher-Student Association (PTSA) is one of the most active among Hawaii high schools and boasts one of the largest parent memberships (over 500) for secondary public schools in the state.
The PTSA sponsors the inaugural Menehune Kina’ole Awards Dinner, in which school volunteers and distinguished alumni are honored. A highly successful silent auction is a major part of the evening thanks to the generous donations from individuals and businesses throughout the state.
In addition, the Association supports Reflections, Drug Free
Programs, Staff Appreciation, other School Improvement Projects, and Project
Graduation. The school’s Parent-Teacher-Student Association (PTSA) is one of the most active among Hawaii high schools and boasts one of the largest parent memberships (over 500) for secondary public schools in the state.
The PTSA sponsors the inaugural Menehune Kina’ole Awards Dinner, in which school volunteers and distinguished alumni are honored. A highly successful silent auction is a major part of the evening thanks to the generous donations from individuals and businesses throughout the state.
Community Programs
Joint Venture Education Forum (JVEF) is a partnership between the Department of Education and the military. This group has oversight over the disbursement of $5 million in federal monies each year that are earmarked for repair and maintenance, technology, and textbooks for schools with significant military-dependent populations. Moanalua’s military-dependent students make up approximately 20% to 25% of the school’s student population.
The high school has also forged a strong working
relationship with the Moanalua/Aiea Community School for Adults, which shares
space in the Administration Building and utilizes the high school’s classrooms
and other facilities for its evening programs.
The adult school supports the school’s program for at-risk students in
need of credits for graduation by providing a teacher for the after-school
program. The adult school purchased the
Plato program (which provides online curriculum in a variety of subject areas)
and is making the program available as a pilot for students in the high school’s
at-risk program. It has also provided
training for teachers in the use of the new program. The school also maintains programs for
at-risk students at Honolulu Community College, Youth Challenge, Job Corps, and
High Core. Joint Venture Education Forum (JVEF) is a partnership between the Department of Education and the military. This group has oversight over the disbursement of $5 million in federal monies each year that are earmarked for repair and maintenance, technology, and textbooks for schools with significant military-dependent populations. Moanalua’s military-dependent students make up approximately 20% to 25% of the school’s student population.
The school continues to partner with the University of
Hawaii’s College of Education to sponsor the Master in Education for Teaching
(MEdT) Program. A cadre of student
teachers spend four semesters at Moanalua High School, Moanalua Middle School,
Moanalua Elementary, and Salt Lake Elementary learning about the schools and
how to become skilled classroom teachers.
Business Partnerships
The school’s relationships with several businesses have resulted in physical improvements to the school that have created a safer environment for students. Hawaii 3Rs, Kaikor Construction Associates, Inc., Hawaiian Cement, and American Standard Concrete Pumping Hawaii, Inc. have donated materials and provided the necessary manpower to expand the sidewalks and other walkways on campus to facilitate movement between classes. Thanks to support from business and community partners, the school has made significant improvements to facilities to better serve students and their learning needs, including: new weight room, new fitness center, new stadium concession stand, new stadium press box, renovated science classroom in M 202, renovated restrooms in gymnasium, and installation of new lights for the tennis courts.
The school’s relationships with several businesses have resulted in physical improvements to the school that have created a safer environment for students. Hawaii 3Rs, Kaikor Construction Associates, Inc., Hawaiian Cement, and American Standard Concrete Pumping Hawaii, Inc. have donated materials and provided the necessary manpower to expand the sidewalks and other walkways on campus to facilitate movement between classes. Thanks to support from business and community partners, the school has made significant improvements to facilities to better serve students and their learning needs, including: new weight room, new fitness center, new stadium concession stand, new stadium press box, renovated science classroom in M 202, renovated restrooms in gymnasium, and installation of new lights for the tennis courts.